

2019-10-23 16:37:51浏览:






新题Section 1:10 个填空题;walking tour介绍 

旧题Section 2:6个匹配题,4个单选题;防火安全意识 

旧题Section 3:4个填空题,3个多选题,3个单选题;日常用品调查

旧题Section 4:10个填空题;新式图书馆设施的研究 


概述:此次听力考试偏难,S1偏简单,考到4个基本功,三个涉及数字、一个月份拼写,字数都是一个,其他答案也都在高频词范围内,考到旅游场景,考题布局很像C7T3S2真题,同学们可以参考。S2偏难,涉及到防火场景,生僻词偏多,配对题有6个,学生反应配对题干都有发生变化,难定位,好在选项只有三个。整个部分语速较快,考察学生的反应能力。S3 是填空单选多选三个题型的组合,需要学生能快速转换解题思路,其中多选有7个选项,读题量大,偏难。S4难度正常,答案词均来自高频词。建议注意定位、结构转换和单词拼写。当中有个答案identification和S3答案identity比较像,学生需要注意区分。


Section 1



主题:walking tour



1. Qualifications: has a degree in history 

2. 14 

3. Cost per week: $480 person

4. Deposit: $55  

5. flat  

6. Place to stay: in a farm  

7. bird  

8. Day 4-go to a waterfall  

9. Day 6-watch dolphins on a boat trip

10. Fist time for the walking tour is in June 




Section 2







11-14) Multiple Choice

11 The company is having this meeting because

A there have been changes in this building

B 暂缺

C 暂缺

12 There has been a recent improvement to

A 暂缺

B the alarm

C 暂缺

13 The problem with office staff was that they

A 暂缺

B 暂缺

C did not move too much away from the building

14 During the minor fire in January, some staff working in the factory

A were unwilling to start the alarm

B 暂缺

C 暂缺


15-20) Matching 


A it should be done immediately

B it will be dealt with by an outside specialist

C it need not take care much at present


15 ensuring there are no obstacles in fire escape routes-A

16 showing staff how to do first-aid-B

17 checking that fire doors are easily opened-A

18 training staff to use fire extinguishers-B

19 checking that fire liquids are properly stored-C

20 checking that staff are aware of emergency exit-A


可参考真题:C10 Test3 Section2; C11 Test3 Section2;


Section 3







21-24) Completion

21. preserve memories such as photographs

22. show off status such computers and cell phones

23. reflect tastes such as works of art

24. personal identity

25-27) choose 3 out of 7

What kinds of interviewees do they like to choose?

A Sara’s friends

B different background

C different sex

D different interests

E different courses

F living with parents

G the first-year students

28-30) Multiple choices

28 what does Sarah worry about the questionnaire?

A the time length is short

B what the question is about

C doesn’t know what to ask

29 What does the essay should start with?

C the reasons why you choose these interviewees

30 what should be finished by the end of April?

A finish assignment 

B found interview

C they should at least finish the interview


可参考真题:C11Test1Section3,C11Test4Section3,C12Test6Section3, C13Test1Section3, C13Test2Section3


Section 4









31. contains materials on dance and music

32. have many photographs of the festivals

33. often an exhibition is organized

34. most famous for books oral speech

35. a course is required

36. research can be done by the public

37. contains information on the labor

38. on the history of insurance in business

39. researchers have to bring a proof of identification

40. has newspapers published between 1850-1990



Section 1: castle, palace, castle, museum, art gallery, temple, dock, lighthouse, windmill, church, bridge, island

Section 2: alarm, recent, improvement, staff, move away from, minor, factory, immediately, specialist

Section 3: preserve, photographs, status, cell phones, identity, interviewee, assignment, essay, questionnaire, background

Section 4: innovation, architect, development, facilities, decoration, refurbishment, relocate, construct, style, technology


degree, week, Deposit, Day 4, Day 6, dolphins, walking tour, company, meeting, improvement, problem, office staff, minor fire, factory, obstacles, routes, first-aid, doors, extinguishers, liquids, emergency exit


preserve, such as, show off, reflect, personal, different, finish, found, contains, organized, famous, required, done, contains, bring, cost, stay, recent, be dealt with, outside, take care, much, checking, training, aware of







Passage One:






可参考真题:剑桥9——TEST4 Passage2 Young Children’s Sense of Identity


Passage Two:






可参考真题:剑桥8——TEST4 Passage3 Collecting Ant Species


 Passage Three:






可参考真题:剑桥10——TEST2 Passage2 Gifted Children and Learning





academic year 学年

course 课程

major mandatory course 主修课程

elective course/optional course 选修课程

syllabus 教学大纲

dissertation 毕业论文

assessment 评估

defense 论文答辩

bibliography 参考文献

plagiarism 剽窃/抄袭




exclusive-only 独有的

guarantee-assure 保证,担保

inherit-receive 继承

witness-view-see 见证

magnetic-attractive 有磁性、吸引力的

loss-waste-gone 遗失

option-choice 选择

prefer to-rather 更喜欢

priority-preference-preferential 优先权

primary-principal-main 主要的





Task 1




Task 2


WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:The international community should take action immediately to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.






While the demand for energy has reached the historical peak in the modern world, the environment damage due to the widespread use of fossil fuels has also been the same case. To combat these crises, a worldwide cut of consumption of traditional fuels is proposed.


This proposal is surely understandable. Compared with clean energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power, fossil fuels are blamed for some severe deficits. Coal and oil are dirty, emitting carbon dioxide when being burnt in the electricity production. They are not renewable either, which means they will be used up sooner or later. No wonder that oil has been a culprit of regional wars in the Middle East where the abundant oil reserve is boasted. Therefore, it is a consensus that developing and adopting alternative energy resources is a promising solution for humans to cope with these challenges. 


However, there is resistance from various stakeholders to this suggestion. The strongest one is from those countries where coal and oil are the pillar industries and major source of revenue. Coal and petrol companies would be reluctant to give up their vested interest. Traditional fuels are cheaper, and the technology and facilities involved have been available for centuries, such as the pipe for transporting oil and natural gas, and the extraction and refinement process and techniques. However, we cannot afford these short-term economic interests at the cost of the devastation of our earth home.  


To sum up, given the severe threats to human survival, international community should call for substitutes for fossil fuels as soon as possible, if not immediately, to tackle environmental degradation and energy crisis. It surely takes considerable time and endeavour, but we may not have sufficient time to wait. 



propose  建议  v

proposal  建议  n

boast  自诩  v

fossil fuels 化石燃料

deficit  缺陷   n

carbon dioxide  二氧化碳  n

culprit  原因   n

reserve  储备  n

consensus  共识  n

resistance  阻力  n

stakeholder  利益相关者  n

source of revenue  收入来源  n

pillar industries  支柱产业  n

vested interest 既得利益  n

extraction  开采   n

refinement  提炼  n

devastation  毁灭  n

objection  反对 n

substitute  替代品  n







Part 1



1. Do you like your own voice?

Do I like my voice? Gee, honestly I wouldn’t say that I’m content with my own voice, because I find it kind of weird and too manly with husky tone. I guess simply because I produce and hear it everyday so it can be too familiar to be attractive to myself. Actually, My voice was softer, sweeter and higher-pitched when I was little. 


回答难度:7分  语料分析:用不同的方式表达自己的好恶。拓展可以说以前喜欢现在不喜欢/并给出原因。


2. Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?

Well, I actually started recording my own voice and listened to it for improving my English speaking. Most people would feel uncomfortable listening to their own recordings, I wouldn’t say that I enjoyed  it at first as my voice sounds much thinner and huskier with somewhat alien undertone than I expected, but I do find recording quite efficient and productive in improving English speaking.


回答难度:7分  语料分析:用不同的方式表达自己的好恶,可以从原因的角度去拓展回答,比如,不喜欢,因为不好听,或者,不喜欢,但是还是要听,为了学习。


3. Has your voice ever changed?

Well, everyone will experience a period when girls’ voices become soft and sharp while boys’ become solid and bold. I definitely sounded quite different when I was a kid with a louder voice and a higher pitch. But now my voice is much lower, softer and more mature, which is perhaps the only advantage that I feel relieved about it.


回答难度:7分  语料分析:每个人都有尴尬“变声期”“voice breaking” time    solid and bold (声音)雄厚有力 feel relieved 感到舒心的


1. When do you need to be focused?

Well, I need to give full attention in many different situations which require quick response and deeper thinking, such as driving, reading, working and even having important conversations.


回答难度:7分  语料分析:give full attention 全神贯注 quick response 快的反应 deeper thinking 深度思考


2. What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?

I’ll definitely say that distraction from social media is the biggest problem. Just as many people do, I have my phone near me all the time, and it’s just so easy to take a peek at my Instagram or Wechat. I end up wasting half an hour on irrelevant messages or pictures. I think I really need to resist the temptation and put my phone away so as to avoid distraction.

回答难度:7分  语料分析:universal 普遍的;staple 主题;fashion-forward or not–odds 时尚先锋或传统人士;never-ending永不停止


3. What do you do to help you concentrate?

First. I usually organize my working environment before I start to work. For example, I’ll clean my desk and remove anything that can distract me or isn’t relevant to the task. Also, I choose to study or work during my peak brain times. I usually schedule my most challenging tasks when I anticipate feeling most energized and focused. For example, I’m a morning person, so I start my work as early as possible.

回答难度:7分  语料分析:organize my working environment 整理我的工作环境be relevant to 与……有关 peak brain times 头脑最清晰的时段 schedule my most challenging tasks 安排最具挑战性的任务(schedule在这里是动词“安排……的时间”)anticipate doing sth 期望/预料做某事 feel energized and focused 感到有活力和精神集中的 a morning person 早起的人


4. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

It actually depends on many reasons. If I have a good night’s sleep, I can easily concentrate the next day; but if I feel tired or hungry, my brain may not be able to function properly. Sometimes if I have a tight schedule, I’ll find it easier to focus, because I’m fully aware that I can’t afford to waste time.

回答难度:7分  语料分析:function properly 正常地运作 a tight schedule 紧迫的时间表be fully aware that 充分意识到can’t afford to waste time 浪费不起时间

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